
Season 3 Episode #11
Overall Episode #55; Original air date January 14, 2002
Written by Mere Smith. Directed by Michael Grossman.

Slay Me - episode rating
<== <== <== <== (out of 5 stakes)

The Story:
- - This Is The Life I'm Supposed To Live - -

Say What? - quote of the week... More Quotes
Angel: You're killing her. She's unconscious and alone and who know if she's in pain...
Voices: It is angry. It is afraid.
Angel: I'm more afraid of her dying than she is? What is that?
Voices: Love.

Credits - the cast: *David Boreanaz - Angel; *Charisma Carpenter - Cordelia Chase; *Alexis Denisof - Wesley Wyndam-Price; *J. August Richards - Charles Gunn; *Amy Acker - Winifred Burkle; Andy Hallett - Lorne/The Host; Patrick Breen - Assistant; Max Baker - Hotel Desk Clerk; David Denman - Skip; Heather Weeks - Tammy; Aimee Garcia - Cynthia.

Rock On - Soundtrack: Drumroll, Tension, and Game Show from Opus 1 Music Library; Baby Stay Awhile (Theme from Cordy) by Marti Noxon, lyrics by David Greenwalt; and First Come Music Library's Tears Down My Cheek. Episode score by Robert J. Kral.

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- - last updated: 6-17-03 - -