
Season 7 Episode #16
Overall Episode #138; Original air date February 25, 2003
Written by Jane Espenson. Directed by Marita Grabiak.

Slay Me - episode rating
<== <== <== <== (out of 5 stakes)

The Story:
- - Stop Telling Stories Life Isn't A Story - -

Say What? - quote of the week... More Quotes
Andrew: I... I just want the world to see what you do.
Buffy: What I do is too important to show to the world.
Andrew: Oh, I like that.

Slayage - 2 - 2 vampires in graveyard by Buffy, 1 with crossbow, 1 with stake.

Body Count - 1 - Stressed out boy explodes in Sunnydale High.

Credits - the cast: *Sarah Michelle Gellar - Buffy Summers; *Nicholas Brendon - Xander Harris; *Alyson Hannigan - Willow Rosenberg; *James Marsters - Spike; *Emma Caufield - Anya Jenkins; *Michelle Trachtenberg - Dawn Summers; Danny Strong - Jonathan Levinson; Adam Busch - Warren Mears/The First; Tom Lenk - Andrew Wells; Iyari Limon - Kennedy; DB Woodside - Principal Robin Wood; Indigo - Rona; Sarah Hagan - Amanda; Sujata DeChoudhury - Shy Girl; Corin Amber Norton - Crying Girl; Alan Loayza - Stressed-Out Boy; TW Leshner - Feral Teen.

Rock On - Soundtrack: Episode score by Robert Duncan.

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- - last updated: 12-25-03 - -