Season 1 Episode #12
Overall Episode #12; Original air date January 25, 2000
Written by Howard Gordon. Directed by David Semel.
Slay Me - episode rating
<== <== <- (out of 5 stakes)
French Title: La Semence Du Demon
German Title: Teuflische Leidenschaft
The Story:
- - No One Is Going To Hurt My Babies - -
Say What? - quote of the week...
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Wesley: I mean, no one is more fond about Cordelia than I, but if she wants to go gad-abouting with those doxies...
Angel: I think they liked you.
Wesley: Really! I-I didn't mean doxy in the sexual promiscuous sense, exactly. I-I... You don't think sticking the axe in the wall put them off?
Angel: That was charming.
Wesley: What about the fact that they thought we were gay?
Angel: Adds mystery.
Credits - the cast: *David Boreanaz - Angel; *Charisma Carpenter - Cordelia Chase; *Alexis Denisof - Wesley Wyndam-Price; Daphnee Duplaix - Serena; Ken Marino - Wilson; Josh Randall - Bartender; Dough Tompos - Dr. Wasserman; Louisiette Geiss - Emily; Julie Quinn - Pregnant Woman; Maggie Connelly - Nurse; Stephen Roy - Jason.
Rock On - Soundtrack: Games You Play by Splashdown; and Shayna R. NuDelman's Deeper Than a Milkshake. Episode score by Christophe Beck.
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- - last updated: 6-14-03 - -