Lonely Heart
Season 1 Episode #2
Overall Episode #2; Original air date October 12, 1999
Written by David Fury. Directed by James A. Contner.
Slay Me - episode rating
<== <== <== <- (out of 5 stakes)
French Title: Coeurs Solitaires
German Title: Einsame Herzen
The Story:
- - This Socializing Thing Is Brutal - -
Say What? - quote of the week... More Quotes
Angel: It'll be out there. It's gotta keep trying to make a connection.
Cordelia: Why?
Angel: Because that's what lonely people do.
Credits - the cast: *David Boreanaz - Angel; *Charisma Carpenter - Cordelia Chase; *Glenn Quinn - Francis Doyle; Elisabeth Rohm - Kate Locksley; Lillian Birdsell - Sharon; Obi Ndefo - Bartender; Derek Hughs - Neil; Johnny Messner - Kevin; Jennifer Tung - Neil pick-up Girl; Tracy Stone - Pretty Girl; David Nisic - Slick Guy; Ken Rush - Guy; Connor Kelly - Regular.
Rock On - Soundtrack: Deadside by Ian Fletcher; Dissonance by Ultra-Electronic; THC's Girlflesh; Kathy Soce's Do You Want Me; Neo-Climatic by Sapien; Chucho Merchan's Ballad of Amave; Lazy Daze by Mark Cherie & Ian McKenzie; Emily Says by Chainsuck; VAST's Touched; For You by Adam Hamilton; and Helix's Quango. Episode score by Christophe Beck.
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- - last updated: 6-14-03 - -