The Shroud of Rahmon
Season 2 Episode #8
Overall Episode #30; Original air date November 21, 2000
Written by Jim Koug. Directed by David Greenwalt.
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Wesley: The shroud was woven by the head priest, said to have been driven mad by the demon himself. Once Rahmon was defeated the priest dyed the shroud with the blood of seven virgin women sacrificed on the first full moon. Then laid it upon Rahmon's body in order to prevent his resurrection.
Cordelia: Why is it always virgin women who have to do the sacrificing?
Wesley: For purity, I suppose.
Cordelia: This has nothing to do with purity. This is all about dominance, buddy. You could bet if someone ordered a male body part for religious sacrifice the world would be atheist... like that.
Credits - the cast: *David Boreanaz - Angel; *Charisma Carpenter - Cordelia Chase; *Alexis Denisof - Wesley Wyndam-Price; *J. August Richards - Charles Gunn; Elisabeth Rohm - Kate Locksley; W. Earl Brown - Menlo; Dwayne L. Barnes - Lester; R. Emery Bright - Detective #1; Tom Kiesche - Detective #2; Tony Todd - Vyasa; Robert Dolan - Bob; Michael Nagy - Jay-Don; Jim Hanna - Surveillance Cop #1; Danny Ricardo - First Cop.
Rock On - Soundtrack: Episode score by Robert J. Kral.
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- - last updated: 6-15-03 - -