Some Assembly Required
Season 2 Episode #2
Overall Episode #14; Original air date September 22, 1997
Written by Ty King. Directed by Bruce Seth Green.
Slay Me - episode rating
<== <== (out of 5 stakes)
French Title: Le Puzzle
German Title: Operation Cordelia
Love makes you do the wacky. -Willow to Buffy on love.
The Story:
- - Love Makes You Do The Wacky - -
Say What? - quote of the week ...
More Quotes
Buffy: I don't get it. Why would anybody wanna make a girl?
Xander: You mean when there's so many pre-made ones just laying around? The things we do for love.
Buffy: Love has nothing to do with this.
Xander: Maybe not, but I'll tell you this: people don't fall in love with what's right in front of them. People want the dream. What they can't have. The more unattainable, the more attractive.
Slayage - 2 - Vampire Stephen in teaser by Buffy with shovel handle; Daryl Epps in fire at science lab.
Body Count - 0>.
Credits - the cast: *Sarah Michelle Gellar - Buffy Summers; *Nicholas Brendon - Xander Harris; *Alyson Hannigan - Willow Rosenberg; *Charisma Carpenter - Cordelia Chase; *Anthony Stewart Head - Rupert Giles; *David Boreanaz - Angel; Robia LaMorte - Jenny Calendar; Angelo Spizzirri - Chris Epps; Michael Bacall - Eric; Ingo Neuhaus - Daryl Epps; Melanie MacQueen - Mrs. Epps; Amanda Wilmshurst - Cheerleader.
Rock On - Soundtrack: Episode score by Christophe Beck and Adam Fields.
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- - last updated: 12-15-03 - -