Bad Girls
Season 3 Episode #14
Overall Episode #48; Original air date February 9, 1999
Written by Doug Petrie. Directed by Michael Lange.
Slay Me - episode rating
<== <== <== (out of 5 stakes)
French Title: El Eliminati
German Title: Der Neue Wachter
The Story:
- - Want, Take, Have - -
Say What? - quote of the week ...
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Buffy: Faith, you don't get it. You killed a man.
Faith: No, you don't get it. I don't care!
Slayage - 11+ - 3 vampires from El Eliminati cult in graveyard 1 staked by Buffy, 2 staked by Faith; 1 El Eliminati vampire staked by Buffy in sewers; Unknown number of vampires in nest by Buffy and Faith; 1 El Eliminati vampire by Balthazar broken neck; 3 El Eliminati in alley 1 dusted by Faith with crossbow bolt, 2 staked by Buffy; Unknown number of El Eliminati vampires during fight in warehouse including 1 beheaded by Giles with sword, the demon Balthazar electrocuted by Buffy; El Eliminati vampire Vincent staked by Mr. Trick.
Body Count - 1> - Deputy Mayor Alan Finch staked by Faith in alley.
Credits - the cast: *Sarah Michelle Gellar - Buffy Summers; *Nicholas Brendon - Xander Harris; *Alyson Hannigan - Willow Rosenberg; *Charisma Carpenter - Cordelia Chase; *Anthony Stewart Head - Rupert Giles; *David Boreanaz - Angel; *Seth Green - Oz(Daniel Osborne); Kristine Sutherland - Joyce Summers; Harry Groener - The Mayor/Richard Wilkins; K. Todd Freeman - Mr. Trick; Jack Plotnick - Deputy Mayor/Alan Finch; Alexis Denisof - Wesley Wyndham-Pryce; Eliza Dushku - Faith; Alex Skuby - Vincent; Wendy Clifford - Chemistry Teacher.
Rock On - Soundtrack: Chinese Burn by Curve. Episode score by Christophe Beck.
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- - last updated: 12-30-03 - -