Buffy: "One night after supper, the lead dog turned up a snowshoe rabbit. The dog lay down low to the race, his body flashing forward leap by leap."
Willow: "He was sounding the deeps of his nature and the parts of his nature that were deeper than he, going back into the wombs of time. The rabbit could not..."
* Werewolf Oz leaps against cage door *
Willow: "Okay. Uh, maybe we should try a less stimulating passage."
Xander: "Oh! Call of the Wild. Aren't we reading the Cliff Notes to this for English?"
Willow: "Some of us are. Anyway, it'll help you stay awake. It's good and, and very wolfy. Seems to soothe the savage beast... Except for the parts about... rabbits."
Xander: "Rabbits?"
Willow: "It... seems to make him a little overexcited."
Buffy: "But he is... nice, and he's funny."
Faith: "And quite a muffin."
Buffy: "Blueberry. That crunchy, munchy stuff on top. But my most favorite thing so far is that he doesn't seem to be any kind of Hell Beast."
Faith: "All men are beast, Buffy."
Buffy: "Okay, I was hoping to not get that cynical till I was at least forty."
Faith: "It's not cynical. I mean, it's realistic. Every guy from... Manimal down to Mr. I-Love-The-English-Patient has beast in him. And I don't care how sensitive they act. They're all still just in it for the chase."
Debbie: "Hi, Oz. Hey, you're not doing jazz band this year?"
Oz: "Oh, can't take the pressure. It's not the music that's hard, it's the marching."
Buffy: "We have a marching jazz band?"
Oz: "Yeah, but, you know, since the best jazz is improvisational, we'd be going off in all directions, banging into floats... Scary."
Willow: "He's just being Oz."
Oz: "Pretty much full-time."
Buffy: "Buffy Summers, reporting for sanity."
Mr. Platt: "Look, Buffy, any person -- grownup, shrink, pope -- any person who claims to be totally sane is either lying or not very bright. I mean, everyone has problemss. Everybody has demons, right?"
Buffy: "Gotta say I'm with you on that."
Mr. Platt: "Look, lots of people lose themselves in love. It's, it's no shame. They write songs about it. The hitch is, you can't stay lost. Sooner, or later, you... you have to get back to yourself."
Buffy: "And if you can't?"
Mr. Platt: "If you can't... Well, love becomes your master, and you're just its dog."
Buffy: "I'm afraid to ask."
Cordelia: "Oz ate someone last night."
Willow: "He did not!"
Xander: "Oz does not eat people. It's more werewolf play. You know, I bat you around a little bit, like a cat toy. I have harmless, wolf fun. Is it Oz's fault that, you know, side effect, people get cut to ribbons, and maybe then he'll take a little nibble and... I'm not helping, am I?"
Oz: "Uh, you know that thing whre you bail in the middle of an upsetting conversation? I have to do that. It's kinda dramatic, I know, but... sometimes, it's a necessary guy thing."
Xander: "We're doing crime here. You don't sneak up during crime."
Cordelia: "God, have a..."
*Sees body*
Cordelia: "Okay! Scarred for life! Oh, God!"
Faith: "Oh! Uh, Buffy! Are you okay? What are you doing here?"
Buffy: "Uh, bleeding internally, but I'll live."
Buffy: "Oh, he definitely... marches to the beat of his own drummer. A-actually, I think he makes his own drums."
Scott: "I hope you realize I don't actually know these people. I just... I thought you would like me better if I had friends, so I hired them."
Pete: "Check out Scotty liking the manic-depressive chick."
Pete: "I'm all you've got now, Debbie! Do you hear me? I AM ALL YOU'VE GOT!"
Pete: "Hey, Debbie. Hey, listen. You know you shouldn't make me mad. Huh? You know what happens. Debbie, please. Are you all right?"
Debbie: "It's okay. It's okay."
Oz: "Um... You okay?"
Debbie: "What? Oh, yeah! I'm such a klutz! I, um, oh..."
Oz: "Fell down? Hit your... eye?"
Debbie: "Doorknob."
Giles: "Clearly, we're looking for a depraved, sadistic animal."
Oz: "Present... Hey, I may be a cold-blooded jelly doughnut, but my timing is impeccable."
Giles: "However, we have two victims: Jeff Orkin and, uh, now Platt. Uh, maybe there's something they had in common."
Faith: "Missing internal organs."
Giles: "Besides that."
Oz: "Debbie."
Buffy: "It's tricky, covering a fresh shiner like that. You know what works?"
Debbie: "What?"
Buffy: "Don't get hit."
Debbie: "It... it's not his fault. I mean, he's not himself when he gets like this."
Buffy: "You mean Pete."
Debbie: "It's me. I make him crazy. He-he just does what he does because he loves me too much."
Debbie: "I didn't ask for your help!"
Willow: "Well, when are you going to? I mean, if Pete kills you, it'll pretty much be too late."
Buffy: "Look at yourself. Why are you protecting him? Anybody who really loved you couldn't do this to you."
Oz: "I'm serious. Something's gonna happen that you... probably won't believe... Or you might."
Debbie: "He loves me."
Willow: "I think we broke her."
Debbie: "He does love me. He does love me."
Buffy: "I think she was broken before this."
Angel: "Buffy? Buffy..."
Willow: "It's all over school, what happened with Debbie and Pete. Except for the Pete-was-a-monster part."
Oz: "Yeah. A freshaman told me that Pete had eight iced cafe machas and just lost it."
Buffy: "That's better than the estrogen theory. I heard he took all of his mother's birth control pills."
Cordelia: "He didn't? Pete was a monster? Where have I been?"
Xander: "In your special place, Cor, which is why I adore you."
Cordelia: "So it was like a real killing. He wasn't under the influence of anything?"
Buffy: "Just himself."
Cordelia: "Great. Now I'm gonna be stuck with serious thoughts all day."
Scott: "It's just that you never really know what's going on inside somebody. Do you? I mean, you think... if you care about them... But you never really do."
Buffy: "Night came on, and a full moon rose high over the trees... lighting the landtill it lay bathed in ghostly day. And the strain of the primitive remained alive and active. Faithfulness and devotion, things born of fire and roof were his... yet he retained his wildness and wiliness. And from the depths of the forest, a call still sounded."