Over The Rainbow
Season 2 Episode #20
Overall Episode #42; Original air date May 8, 2001
Written by Mere Smith. Directed by Fred Keller.
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<== <== <== <== <== (out of 5 stakes)
The Story:
- - Home Sweet Hell - -
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Aggie: Deep down you've always known you'd have to take that one last trip home.
Lorne: It's the 'last' that scares me.
Aggie: Well, sometimes the journey is taken simply because - it must be taken.
Credits - the cast: *David Boreanaz - Angel; *Charisma Carpenter - Cordelia Chase; *Alexis Denisof - Wesley Wyndam-Price; *J. August Richards - Charles Gunn; Andy Hallett - Lorne/The Host; Amy Acker - Winifred Burkle; Susan Blommaert - Vakma; Persia White - Aggie; Daniel Dae Kim - Gavin Park; Michael Phenicie - Silas; Brian Tahash - Constable; William Newman - Old Demon Man; Drew Wicks - Blix.
Rock On - Soundtrack: Episode score by Robert J. Kral.
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- - last updated: 6-15-03 - -